Tuesday, November 29

"the GrillMaster" my group's robot for Engineering Design. It has to maneuver an obstacle course with ramps and evading cans. The winning time is close to 11 or 12 seconds I think. We spent almost 2 hours in the lab today and I got it to make the first turn ... barely. It's a masterpiece in progress. Posted by Picasa
Kallie, huddling over lite fiction and toast, is also cold. Witness pants, long sleeves AND slippers. Brrrr. Posted by Picasa
Jordan wrapped up in front of the TV watching Larry King Live with Hugh Hefner and his 3 live in girlfriends. He's cold too. Posted by Picasa
Proof that it's COLD in Tempe! High today: 57 F. And yes, I'm wearing running tights and wool socks. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 27

Zoe helping grandma in the kitchen Posted by Picasa
Bug in Dad's jean jacket from way back in the day that he gave to Ann who gave it back to Alex. Posted by Picasa
Kate's dress for the Winter Ball @ Reno Posted by Picasa
My punk younger brother

Saturday, November 26

Oh baby oh baby

Fun or just conFUsioN?

Alex and the joy of martinelli's sparkling cider
The ultimate baby camo

Zoe and the never-ending fun of leaves.

Friday, November 25

The traditional after-dinner-before-dessert Thanksgiving walk
Grampa "carving" the turkey he picked out (Free range, 23.18 lbs and it was more like hacking it with the knife as he tossed it about!)

Hangin' out with the family - babies are awesome entertainment.

Action shot - Zoe on the stairs and Uncle Steve on the guitar.

Dad prepping for Thanksgiving dinner (not moving for hours beforehand)

Giving Thanks: 2005

My 14 month old cousin Zoe. For lunch - tofu and spinach/kale puffs. She's a California girl.

Tuesday, November 22

A few of us crashed Kallie's sinfonietta concert at Gammage. I got in trouble from the not-so-nice-usher-ladies for taking this picture - but the music was amazing! Way to go Kallie and her fabulous bassoon! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 20

Playing Battleship and Scrabble at 12:30 am at E-joy Posted by Picasa
Jordan wishing he could light things on fire with his chopsticks. The guy next to us asked us if we just came from a wedding. I said it was against the rules to wear black to a wedding. He asked if we came from a bar mitzvah... hmm, strange. But the cook was awesome, he could fling eggs around, light plates on fire and make onion cones of sake flame - he made grilling into a pyrotechnic display. Posted by Picasa
Still figuring out the timer Posted by Picasa
Caught him - he escaped from an A&F catalog. Scary Posted by Picasa
Spiffed up for Teppan (Japanese food on fire!) Posted by Picasa
Jordan and Kallie doing the crossword... wait... I'm having deja vu Posted by Picasa
Jordan and Kallie doing the crossword Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 19

Me morning post-dancing... okay so 3 pm and I'm still in pjs. Life is rough. Subsisting mainly off of inumberable cups of stale coffee and unidentifiable bits of "food" rummaged from our fridge on hour 4 1/2 of the ECE project from the black lagoon. I CANNOT WAIT for Thanksgiving. Posted by Picasa
Kal the the morning post-dancing in our closet sorting laundry. She has an entire load of JUST JEANS. Her estimate to wash all her "dirty" clothes - 10 loads. Loads of laundry I've done in the last 3 weeks: 2. Posted by Picasa
Katie without heels on and me with them on Posted by Picasa
Poor Jordan Posted by Picasa