Tuesday, September 27

Drew Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 26

an energetic bunch at 1:30 am Posted by Picasa

Half the crew crashed in our living room for our BBQ pool party - post Mean Girls.  Posted by Picasa

Me and Brandon at dinner  Posted by Picasa

the other side of the party table - (L to R: Katie's brother Matt, Brad, Dustin, Drew, and Katie B) Posted by Picasa

Katy Power's birthday dinner at P.F. Chang's (L to R: Brandon, Katy, Kallie, Jordan) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 25

more rocks... Posted by Picasa

Brandon found a horn covered lizard thing... we still don't know exactly what it is. Posted by Picasa

Hiking along - it wasn't even that hot either at 93 degrees.  Posted by Picasa

Tounge on Rock a la Northern Arizona Posted by Picasa

Group shot at the edge of Brins Mesa Posted by Picasa

The gorgeous easy trail up 3 miles to the mesa Posted by Picasa

My attempt at an artistic shot... we wanted to try the pickly pear fruit but didnt' get up the guts... plus it was a little past season.  Posted by Picasa

We went for a hike in Red Rock up to Brins Mesa Posted by Picasa

Brandon and I by Midgely Bridgely  Posted by Picasa

Jordan and Kallie by, I'm not joking, "Midgely Bridgely" Posted by Picasa

Sedona is amazingly beautiful, and I took about 100 pictures on one set of road trying to get one that wasn't totally obscured by trees as we rocketed through the valley.  Posted by Picasa

Our campsite, surrounded by REAL trees and a creek with REAL water that was actually running and it even got cold enough to put on fleeces - it was awesome! Posted by Picasa

Jordan the next morning at 8 am devilishly nursing breakfast... mmm Dr. Pepper. Posted by Picasa

Camping Excitement...

Jordan taking a big, delicious, juicy, savory bite of RAW bratwurst... it 's hard to tell if they're cooked by just the glow of the fire and considering we didn't bring headlamps or flashlights, well... it was all sort of taste test guesswork.Posted by Picasa

We found a campsite up Oak Creek at Cave Springs Campground where we got out all of our raw meat and firewood and realized we had no matches so Jordan and Kallie took a perilous journey to the camp store to buy matches by the dim glow of cell phones. Posted by Picasa

Our first glimpse of Red Rock Wilderness as evening sets in - taken at 65 mph through the sun roof.  Posted by Picasa

In Brandon's car driving to the chilly north and Sedona!  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20

My brother Alex (right) with Hillary Clinton in Washington D.C. Posted by Picasa

and I was thinking?  Posted by Picasa