Sunday, May 22

The storm that chased us all the way through Utah - we broke out of it right at the Utah border. It was like being followed by the great cloud of the Dark Side of The Force of Evil... except not really at all, it was just windy. We did get sidetracked when the lightning shut down all the electricity in Ely so nothing was open and we accidentally drove 15 miles north to McGill (aka nowhere) NV.

I'm sorry to have more than one picture of the du... gosling. It was just so darned cute we couldn't leave it! It kept waddling around and following us... we left it in the bushes and ran away - 40 feet at least so it couldn't see us and it still found us! We had to hide it in some grass and run all the way back to the car and drive away. Brandon wanted to keep it so it could live in the pool in PHX... but that's also when he thought it would be a duck.