Closets! This side's actually not that exciting. Thanks Gen though for my Fiji Closet Cloth! What's it called again, a bula? I'll have to ask you again sometime. Well. They're white. That's about all to say about them other than mine is over stuffed and Kate's is really really really organized. Oh no, Kate is so organized it's started to spread like some kind of toxic mold into our drawers. At the beginning of the year, you could tell who's drawers where whos by the way the clothes were folded - or not in my case. Now, I am sad and embarrassed to say, I fold my underwear. I exert free will only in choosing to fold it differently than Katie, which means I'm not allowed to help her fold because I do it wrong but I nonetheless fold now. She will never win over my shoes though, they are still in comfortable chaos.

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